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Weigh filling

Semi-liquid weigh filler AVL-42/44
Product highlights
- Most accurate weigh filling of oils & fats into boxes, crates, tins, pails, JIB’s…
- Up to 18 tons/hour
- Hygienic design

Bag-in-box butter filler BVL-42
Product highlights
- Auto-adaptable to all butter textures
- Flexible changeover between box footprints
- From 5 to 25 kg

Linear belt vibratory weigh filler LBVF-34A
Product highlights
- Belt coarse filling of chocolate straight into box for low drop height
- Accurate fine filling in weigh bucket
- Easy take-out belt for quick cleaning

Linear vibratory weigh filler LVF-34A/B
Product highlights
- Vibratory coarse filling and fine filling into weigh hopper of diced & sliced IQF fruits and vegetables, dried non sticky fruits or candy
- Quick & easy cleaning

Linear vibratory weigh filler LVF-15A-D
Product highlights
- Vibratory filling using one big vibratory pan for margarine flakes and dehydrated & sliced fruit products
- Filling straight into the box

XL Tobacco weigh filler
Product highlights
- Accurate weigh filling of tobacco up to 6 tons/hour
- Flaps up filling
- Use of vacuum compacting technology

Linear vibratory weigh filler LVF-14A/B-D
Product highlights
- Gross filling straight into the box of nuts, diced & slices IQF fruits and vegetables, dried non sticky fruits and dry small granular products
- Quick & easy cleaning: no product sticking.

Linear vibratory weigh filler LVF-14A/B
Product highlights
- Net filling in weigh hopper: nuts, diced & sliced IQF fruits and vegetables, dried non sticky fruits and dry small granular products.
- Up to 15 c/min (LVF-14B)

Linear vibratory weigh filler LVF-34A-D
Product highlights
- Vibratory coarse filling and fine filling straight into the carton of small IQF fruits and vegetables, dried fruit and candy
- Quick & easy cleaning: no product sticking
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