Designed to be better
No more crushed cartons thanks to the perfectly controlled case erecting.
Guaranteed box squareness for a trouble-free packaging process.
Only 5 adjustments for a quick format change.
Minimize your running cost
Trouble-free case erecting even with thin cartons.
Lower running cost and continuous production with hot melt.
15” HMI to facilitate operator convenience.
Product description
Case Erector CE-31
The box erecting machine CE-31 automatically forms cardboard boxes with length up to 730mm.
Available in hot melt or tape execution. By using hot melt to close the bottom flaps, the carton erector enables a continuous production, low running cost and a stable case transport.
With easy format changeover and features to accommodate poor corrugated cartons, this case erector is a solid addition to your packaging line.
The CE-31 hot melt standard runs up to 16 c/min. The tape version runs up to 12 c/min (upgradeable to 16 c/min).

Combine with
Combine the CE-31case erector with a Pattyn bag inserter, weigh filler, bag closer, case closer and palletizer to profit from a fully automated bulk packaging line.
Download Datasheet
Discover the benefits and technical specifications
of the CE-31 in one handy datasheet.
Min. L.300 x W.200 x H.150 // D.250
Max. L.730 x W.500 x H.400 // D.650
Min. A.500 x B.350
Max. A.1100 x B.900
Length – height relation: D/L < 1,3
For other dimensions, please contact us.