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Relocating for work can be a big decision, but it’s an opportunity that adds value to the service we offer at Pattyn. Three of our colleagues took the plunge and shared their journeys.

Daniel relocated with his family from Argentina to Chile, while Lucas and Yun-Hao made the move from Belgium to get closer to our customers around the globe.

From Argentina to Chile – a journey closer to our customers

Daniel, you recently moved from Argentina to Chile. What motivated this big change?
Daniel: Yes, I joined Pattyn in 2018 as a sales manager for South and Central America. I used to live near Buenos Aires, Argentina, but I recently moved with my wife and 2 children to Santiago, Chile. The main reason for my move was to be closer to my customers and to foster stronger relationships. This isn’t just about sales; it’s also about being there post-installation. South American customers really appreciate knowing someone is just a 30-minute drive away, ready to provide support when needed. 

How has the move affected your work so far?
Daniel: The move has had a positive impact. Being closer to my customers has immediately improved our relationships. Our South American customers already knew that Pattyn products are reliable, but there was always that physical distance between us. Now, knowing I’m just around the corner has built more trust and comfort.

How did the move go?
Daniel: The move went well, but it wasn’t without its challenges off course. In the beginning, finding a good school for my kids and nice apartment took some time. And actually, one of the main challenges was getting the necessary visas. Many people are moving out of South America given to the economic situation. So the embassy is quite busy, and it took longer than expected to get everything sorted. 

Were there any personal perks to the relocation?
Daniel: yes for sure, before the move, I spent most of my time on airplanes, constantly traveling to meet customers. 

Now, being based in Santiago, I can spend more quality time with my family while staying closer to my customers. 

Moving with your family is certainly a big step, and I imagine it wasn't all smooth sailing.
Daniel: That’s right! I moved with my wife, our 10-year-old son, and our 8-year-old daughter. At first, they were quite concerned and sad about leaving Argentina. I was worried they wouldn’t adapt to the new country or school. But just a week after the move, my daughter was already asking if she could bring a new friend home! My wife even had to quit her job of 20 years, and she’s now looking for new opportunities. I really feel my family's support and I'm grateful they join me in this adventure.

To wrap this up, Daniel, what do you miss the most about Argentina? 
Daniel: I miss the weekend BBQs with friends. It was a big part of our social life. Now in Santiago, we’re working on building a new network around our family. But I’m confident we’ll make new friends soon. On the bright side, my sister has been living here for more than 10 years, so I see her more often, which makes the transition a little easier.

From Belgium to Chile – The world of a service technician

Lucas, you’re starting an adventure on the other side of the world. What’s on the agenda?
Lucas: That’s right! I’m heading to Santiago, Chile, on September 2nd, where I’ll be living for 1.5 years. My task is to work with the team to set up a new local service department. This will allow us to respond directly to the needs of customers in South America. Initially, we’ll be focusing on the cherry industry.

Why the cherry industry, and what makes it so special?
Lucas: The cherry industry has a very short and intense harvest season from November to January. They operate 24/7, so the machines can’t afford any downtime. 

That’s why Pattyn wanted to place a local team there to be able to respond quickly to installations, maintenance, and repairs.

How will you be able to assist customers 24/7?
Lucas: During the day, we’ll be very flexible and can be at the customer’s site quickly. Additionally, we’ll be building a local warehouse, allowing us to deliver spare parts swiftly. Finally, we’ve set up a system where we collaborate with the Belgian and Asian teams. This way, Chilean customers can also be assisted remotely during the night. 

You sound well-prepared.
Lucas: Yes, that’s right! We’ve prepared thoroughly by studying the new bag sealing machine for cherries in detail. We’ve put a lot of thought into the 24/7 service and the warehouse. Plus, I’ve already made several trips to Chile, so it’s not entirely unfamiliar to me. Of course, there’s added responsibility—everyone’s eyes are on us. But with the solid preparation, I feel confident.

Is this a unique opportunity for you?
Lucas: Absolutely, I’ve always wanted to travel far, and the idea of going to the other side of the world and setting up a service department there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I previously did an Erasmus exchange in Croatia and loved getting to know new people and cultures.

Finally, what will you miss the most during your stay in Chile?
Lucas: It’s a cliché, but Belgian fries (laughs). And of course, my family, but I’m sure they’ll visit at some point.

From Bruges to Kuala Lumpur – Yun-Hao’s expat adventure

Yun-Hao, you've recently made a big move from Pattyn Belgium to Pattyn Asia in Kuala Lumpur. What inspired you to take on this change?
Yun-Hao: The idea of moving to Asia came to me through Pattyn. When I got the chance to join the team in Kuala Lumpur, I thought, "Why not?" The idea of gaining new experiences and challenging myself really appealed to me. This adventure offers a lot of opportunities, and I would have regretted passing it up. As a student, I always had the ambition to travel extensively for my job.

How did the move to Kuala Lumpur go?
Yun-Hao: The move went very smoothly. Fortunately, I could rely on the experience of colleagues like Nick and Jolien, who had done this before. Nick and Jolien already had a team set up there, and they had already established good contacts, which made everything—from visas to housing—run smoothly. I arrived on a Tuesday, and by the next day, I had already found an apartment. So big shoutout to Nick and Jolien.

You mentioned that there was already a team in Asia. Why did you decide to go there as well?
Yun-Hao: There was a need for additional support within the team of field service engineers, and Pattyn suggested I join because I have expertise in both the bakery industry and other sectors.

Moreover, having Chinese roots was an advantage, as I'm fluent in the Chinese language and know a thing or two about the culture. As a true Bruges native, I can also easily communicate with everyone from Belgium. 

Finally, what are your plans for the future?
Yun-Hao: I’ve been in Kuala Lumpur for about five months now, and the plan is to stay for a few years. We want to further develop the local service department and provide optimal support to customers in Asia and the surrounding regions. We've laid a solid foundation, and the team is already running well.


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